Friday, June 18, 2010

Hiking the Y

Each year we hike Y mountain up to the Y that over looks BYU campus. It was just the boys this year because Maeva was too heavy with child to come. I made the boys race up the West stairs of BYU to warm up for the hike, you can see the Y that we will hike to on the mountain behind the boys.

Whew, we made it, the hike was steep and hard, but not too long, just one hour at our pace, but the mountain was green and the view was grand. I stopped a few times to show the boys points of interest in Zion, um err,,, I mean Provo valley. Here the boys are sitting on the white wash that forms the Y.

Here we are together next to the Y overlooking the valley. To our left you can see Provo Temple, if you know the area well, the MTC, and Wymount where we live can also be seen.

Just as we were about to leave, I saw a medium sized, brown, hairy tarantula! It was scurrying into its hole, so we decided to get a better look at it. I convinced Julien to prod the tarantula out with a stick. Julien insists that he poked its abdomen, but it still wouldn't come out.

Another hiker joined our quest and we finaly got the tarantula out for a better look.

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