Saturday, February 2, 2019

La chandeleur

Today is La Chandeleur. 

In France, the month of February starts with the celebration of Candlemas- la Chandeleur- which occurs on the 2nd, which is 40 days after Christmas. This religious celebration recalled the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple. The origins of the Chandeleur date back to a pagan feast. According to local customs, candles had to be lit at midnight as symbol of purification. Chandeleur come from the latin "candelarum" as does the English word candle. The church adapted the tradition into the blessing of the candles, where were to repel evil... Thus reminding all that Christ is the light of the world. Christians would then come back to their homes with the blessed candles in order to protect them. It was also at that time of the year that the winter seed time started. The surplus flower was then used without too much fish of shortage and crepes were made as symbol of prosperity for the coming year.

We too celebrated by making crepes! And everybody participated!!!

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