Thursday, July 12, 2012

A day at Pro Bass Shop

Well the weather has been pretty crappy these past couple of weeks, with lots and lots of rain, and swarms of viscous mosquitoes. So I decided that instead of being cooped up inside one more day, we were going to take a trip to the Pro Bass Shop in Houston. Little did I know that it was Pro Bass' last week of summer blast. They had so many activities for kids to do.

We started out by doing some Nerf bow target shooting!

Followed by some casting!

My personal favorite recurve bow and compound bow shooting. 
I got to do it too since it was just us 4.

The kids also got to make and stamp leather bracelet.

And color slithering snakes!

We ended out day with a stroll around the store to see all the taxidermy-ed animals.

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