Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hand in Hand

For many years I have wanted to do a special project for the home with the Hand in Hand quote I had  once read at church as we were discussing Christ and his perfect, selfless, loving hands. This is not the exact quote because I could not find it, but it was very similar to this. I was so inspired by it when I first saw it that it stayed with me, and I wanted my hands as well as the hands of my family become each of these perfect Christlike attributes.
Perhaps seeing and reading this quote each day would aspire us to be better and do better.

The Ward’s
happy hands clean hands 
serving hands 
joyful hands thrifty hands 
kind hands warm hands loving hands
sharing hands giving hands 
gentle hands helping hands willing hands 
healthy hands caring hands uplifting hands 
working hands strong hands
teaching hands friendly hands peaceful hands
 special hands Truthful hands Charitable hands 
spiritual hands pure hands
grateful hands prayerful hands

My dear friend Veronica kindly placed the vinyl on the frame and my friend Pam took our family walking hand in hand along the beach. I must say I had fun working with the lighting to give it that shadow look. 

My final product turned out great I think!

The frame next to it is this.
I thought it worked perfectly together.

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