Friday, October 30, 2020

Listen to the still small voice

Last week, Eden was convinced that it was red ribbon week. Each day he dressed with his favorite jersey, wore red white and blue, his favorite hat... On Friday, he decided to show his true character by wearing his blue Power Rangers costume. Being overwhelmed with my busy week and daily task, I did not think much of it. Although I did have a prompting to put an extra shirt and pair of shorts in his backpack. Rushing to the car for the fear of being late to school yet again I decided not to follow through with a prompting. 

When it was time to pick up Eden, he was rather sad. He was the only one dressed in a costume at school that day, because red ribbon week was actually the following week. That was a big mom fail moment. Not listening to the prompting from the Holy Ghost cost Eden some embarrassment as kids made fun of him and called him a weirdo. I was very disappointed in myself that I for one did not check the red ribbon week, and second follow through with the little still voice prompting me. 

Well the following week was red ribbon week. Yet again Eden war his favorite jersey, read white and blue, his favorite hat... 
on Friday, I was not sure on how Eden was going to react about getting dressed up for school. But he made the decision, he wanted to wear his blue Power Ranger costume again. I am so proud of him for doing what he wanted to do and conquering his fears of being made fun of again. 
And I have made an even more conscious decision to listen to that still small voice even if I am in a hurry, or if it seems like an unimportant thing.

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