Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Years!

Hard to believe that another year has come and gone already!

In celebration of the new year, I made a nice traditional french dinner called Raclette. 
It is a fondued cheesed served with cured meats and potatoes.

Elder Holyoak, one of the missionaries who previously served in our area came to visit!
It was wonderful seeing him and how well he is doing!
He was such a wonderful example and good friend to Julien and Logan.

Little note Jon and I left for the family to wake up for things to work on this upcoming year!
I cannot wait to for all the memories we will make as a family this year.
Julien and Logan are growing up fast and before I know it they will be moved out and living on their own! I want to savor every little moment I have left with them!

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