Friday, January 9, 2009

Still dancing!?!

Still dancing! Or trying to is the more correct thing to say. It is hard to stay in shape, and it is even harder to keep yourself involved with projects when you are not in school. This past semester, I auditioned for a hip hop/ modern piece at BYU, and surprisingly, I made it. Schlee Hannan, one of my great friends from UVSC choreographed it. She has done an awesome job. The dance is very intense. I feel pretty out of breath afterward. I will be performing it during a dance concert the last week of January at BYU. In addition to that, another great friend from school Meredith Ashton, has asked me to be in a part of a project she has been working on using gestures, and text in a piece she will be presenting at the Martin Luther King Commemoration at UVU. It is a very poignant piece, I have really enjoyed being a part of this choreographic process.
I have felt so blessed and privileged to be a part of these two dances. It has kept me busy, and most importantly dancing. Dancing has been such a big part of my life ever since I can remember that when I am not dancing, life is a little less bright and a little harder it seems. It has been wonderful to wake up early and do what I love to do- dance my heart out.

PS: If you have any questions about either of those performances, you can email me or check out my website for more info (it should be up to date by this Sunday).


Rod and Rachel Gardner said...

Hey girl it's Rachel I love reading your new posted blogs...I love that you are still dancing and involved in that way...of coarse I want to come watch you keep me in the groove of dance concerts. Send me an email with the exact dates and times...I would love for my dance girls to come to the MLK concert. Loves

Camilla said...

Wow, busy blogging or what?! Awesome pictures and updates. Good for you. Now if I can just find my camera to upload my updates... haha.