Day 5: Spring of Moses, Mini Petra, Wadi Rum
One of the many spring thought to be the waters Musa (Moses). As told in the bible, Moses struck a rock and received water while traveling in the wilderness. This is the spring head in the valley of Musa which drains to the Dead Sea.
Our driver Mr. Kacey was awesome. He drove us the 9 days we were there. He got to know us pretty well as we did him. Mr. Kacey was just a nick name he uses. His name is Nowman Al Quaisi. He said that he was Matt Damon's private driver when Matt Damon filmed the Martin movie. He was so happy to share this with us and even showed us a picture of him and Matt Damon.
View of Petra on the horizon and the surrounding Nabatean villages.
Little Petra
We took a short journey to a remote place in the desert to visit Little Petra.
Little Petra is just that, a smaller version of Petra. The area was a thriving community in the Nabatean times, and there is evidence of that in the village (shops, inn's, painted houses, temples...)
We really enjoyed visiting Little Petra because we were the only ones there and could really explore the area as we pleased.
We saw much of Jon doing this throughout the trip...
He was cute researching and reading up on all the places we were visiting.
View of Petra and Nabatean bedouin camps!
Wadi Rum
Bedouin Camping in the beautiful Valley of Rum!
One of the top destinations and activities recommended while visiting Jordan is to visit Wadi Rum and experience a traditional Bedouin camping experience. We are so glad we did! It was very very cool and a lot of fun!
We took a fun jeep tour around the wadi.
Wadi Rum is beautiful! It reminded me of southern Utah, Moab, and the Arches.
We saw some camels roaming the desert too!
Looking out to the mountains during the sunset was simply beautiful!
The kids enjoyed running up and down the sand hill.
Once we got back to camp a nice dinner had been prepared for us. It was cooked underground. As they lifted the pot out of the ground you could smell the deliciously cooked lamb and chicken.

Day 6: Wadi Rum, Baptist Sites, Dead Sea
On day 6 we woke up early for a pretty spectacular camel ride in the Wadi Rum desert to see the sunrise. What an experience! It was truly spectacular! Two bedouins came with a few camels to pick us up along with another couple and took us around the desert for about an hour and then found the perfect spot to see the sunrise. It felt so surreal!

First sighting of the Dead Sea

On our way to the Dead Sea we drove past the base of Wadi Mujib which is supposed to be a very beautiful canyon. I wish we would have had time to explore the canyon, but we had somewhere to be! If we make it back to Jordan it will definitely be on my must do's.

Our driver took us to this pillar which is believed to be the pillar of salt Lot's wife turned into.

The beautiful Dead Sea!
The lowest point on earth!

Bethatny- Beyond-the Jordan, the Baptist Site

Visiting the Jordan River was such a special experience. It felt surreal to be standing in a place where Jesus Christ probably stood, and walked the paths that he might have walked. Being there, seeing the landscape, shrubbery, the climate brought the scriptures and scriptures stories to life. The spirit testified to me that this truly is a place with special purpose and meaning, where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

An image of the prophets Elijah and Elisha stopping the flow of the river as a chariot and horses of fire taking up Elijah up to heaven. According to ancient traditions, the rounded hillock alongside of Wadi Kharrar is known as Tell Mar Elyas (Elijah's hill).

The pool behind Jon and the boys is the large baptism pool. The water from this pool is fed from the spring of John the Baptist. This place is believed to be where John performed baptisms because of its location, thus believed to be the place where John himself baptized Jesus. It is said that the whole valley may have been a hostel of visiting pilgrims.

The Jordan River
Standing in a place where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ probably stood along with his apostles 2000 years ago was an experience I will never forget. It was very special and we will treasure this memory forever.

Across the bank is Israel

Day 7: Dead Sea at the Movenpick Resort!

Hanging out by the pool was just what we needed after a long week of sight seeing. The Movenpick Resort was very beautiful. It resembled an old arabic town in the middle of an oasis, just like what you would see in a cartoon.

Our first attempt at floating in the Dead Sea. Jon and I loved it! The kids however especially Kia Ora and Eden did not. It burned their sink because the salt concentration was so high. So we quickly got them out and rinsed off with fresh water. There were big salt deposits on all the rocks by the shore. It was very cool to see.

Later that day Julien, Logan and I went back for some Dead Sea mud treatment. The boys were a little hesitant at first, but were good sports and lathered themselves up in mud. We had a good time and it made our skin feel so soft.

Eden and Julien having fun in the pool!

After the kids were settled for the night, Jon and I sis went back to the Dead Sea for some more mud scrub. Julien and Logan babysat while we went on a mini date to the sea. Jon was a little apprehensive to do the mud scrub at fist but he did it, and liked it (liked it enough todo it just one or twice, unlike me who could have gone 2-3 times per day)!

Day 9: R&R Day
One of the things I must do while on vacation is take out my camera and take pictures of my cute little family! And today seemed to be the perfect day as our vacation was coming to an end. Julien got a couple of good pictures of Jon and I as well.



Kia Ora


Jon and I

We tried to take the kids to the pool and beach but poor Eden got a bad stomach bug and was vomiting all day. So we took turns so Eden could rest in the hotel room.

Julien and Logan also babysat for us while we did a spa treatment. Jon got a Swedish massage and a pedicure while I got an "exceptional mud warp" where the therapist placed mud all over my body and than folded plastic sheet over followed by blankets so my body would stay warm. She then gave me a dead sea salt facial followed by a mud mask. I was left for a good 45 minutes and totally fell asleep. lol! I was completely relaxed! I than rinsed off and was on my way.
We finished our spa date by hanging out at one of the spa pools. We wished we could have stayed longer but we knew we had to get back and relieve Julien and Logan of their duty and take care of Eden.
Jon and I however did get a chance to go back to the Dead Sea one last time before dinner.

Off we go to dinner!
All of our meals there were exceptional!
I just wanted to eat everything!

Day 9: Last day
One last dip in the pool!
Luckily Eden felt better today so we were able to spend a little time in the pool before heading to the airport.

Unfortunately as we were checking out of the hotel (around 3 pm) I too took a turn for the worse and felt horribly sick. I was throwing up every 30 minutes to 1 hour for the first few hours. After that every couple hours. It was a very long and painful trip home since we had an hour drive to the airport, a 5 hour wait at the airport, a 2 hour flight home, and another 3 hours drive home. I thought we would never make it home. To make maters works, Kiki and Julien started getting sick in the airport too. There was not pride left for this family. I got to know the curb, the airport/ airplane toilets, and puke bags more than I ever wanted to. I am so grateful for Jon who was a trouper and took great care of all of us. I know it was not fun or easy, but he did it with no complaints, and I appreciated it a lot!

Although the last few hours of our trip was not fun, it was an amazing vacation none the less!
I feel truly blessed and grateful at all the memories we made as a family!
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